Sharing your Testimony with Anne

Sharing your Testimony with Anne

Posted by Kellie and Anne H. on Sep 10th 2023

Sharing your Testimony.

Sharing your testimony is a reminder to yourself of how far you have come.  It is also a gift to others.  We are created to tell our life stories, and to Share His story to the world.

This is the story of Anne.

For most of my life, I believed that being a follower of Christ meant being perfect. And I tried really hard. I served, I gave, I practiced self-control and following all the ways that I believed would make God feel happy with me. 

But it wasn’t until I failed that I came to the understanding of what being a follower of Christ really meant… letting go of my imperfection and exchanging it for the perfection of Jesus. 

It took me a long time and a hard fall to see what grace really meant, but once I did, I was set free! 

Free from trying to win the approval of the One who loved me so much that He sent his own son to die for me. Free to go before him, to worship, to give without expecting return, to love because of how He loved me first, to serve those who go unnoticed. 

It’s beautiful and abundant - and yes - it’s perfect to know that because of my Savior, I am free and forgiven and have a glorious future! 

Because of this, I want to share how Jesus has transformed my life! I want to spread his hope and his gift.

This is why I love Bradley Kellie Designs. They open a door for me to tell! 

Of the cross. Of the empty tomb. Of new life! Oh, what an incredible opportunity we have to go and tell! 

-Anne H

We are called to Share His Story. This is the mission behind Bradley Kellie Christian Storytelling Jewelry. Many struggle with sharing their faith, and we provide a tool for you to feel more at ease when sharing His story to the world!