The Empty Tomb Necklace- Telling HIS Story to the world
Posted by Kellie on Jul 5th 2023
The Empty Tomb Necklace- Telling HIS Story
In the depths of history, an extraordinary event unfolded—an event that would forever change the course of humanity. It was the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the empty tomb, a glorious triumph over death itself. Today, thousands of years later, this event still holds great significance in the lives of us all. Today, the empty tomb stands as a symbol of enduring hope and something no one in the world could ever forget.
At Bradley Kellie, we know that this is one of the greatest moments of HIS story and we want it to be shared with the world. For this reason, we’ve created an Empty Tomb Necklace, a symbol of hope and victory for all people.
This necklace was made to serve as a reminder that Jesus conquered the grave, that He lives, and that He left the tomb empty for all to see. In this blog post, we'll talk about 3 of the many ways the Empty Tomb Necklace can make a difference in your life.
The Empty Tomb Will Remind You To Embrace Hope in the Face of Darkness
The empty tomb is a beacon of hope that pierces through the darkest of nights. Jesus died on Friday, Saturday was dark, but the tomb was empty on Sunday. This proves that there is hope even on the darkest of days.
The Empty Tomb Necklace serves as a tangible reminder to hold onto hope and to believe in the possibility of new beginnings even when all seems lost. It represents the relentless promise that through faith, even the most tragic of situations can be transformed into shining testimonies of hope.
The Empty Tomb Necklace Will Spark Conversations and Help You Share HIS Story
The beauty of The Empty Tomb Necklace lies in its ability to create opportunities to share HIS story. When others see this distinctive open tomb pendant, they will be drawn to its uniqueness and ask about its meaning.
This opens the door for you to share the life-changing story of the resurrection and the hope it brings. The necklace becomes a catalyst for spreading the message of salvation and inviting others to experience the love of Christ.
The Empty Tomb Will Help You Embrace New Life and
Radiating Hope
The Empty Tomb Necklace also serves as a powerful reminder that the story doesn't end at the cross but continues with the empty tomb. It represents the promise of new life, redemption, and the boundless grace that Jesus offers to all who believe.
When you wear this necklace, you won’t just be adorned with a stunning piece of jewelry but also clothed in a symbol of resurrection and hope. It will serve as a daily affirmation of your identity in Christ and a source of inspiration to those seeking a glimmer of hope.
So, today, as you choose to wear the Empty Tomb Pendant close to your heart, I pray that you would be filled with a renewed sense of purpose and an unwavering faith in the power of Jesus. May its presence inspire you to face life's challenges with courage, to extend grace and compassion to those around you, and to embody the transformative love that flows from the empty tomb.
May the pendant always remind you that you are a living testimony of the profound truth that death has been conquered and that through Christ, you are invited to embrace a life of everlasting joy, purpose, and hope. In the quiet moments when you touch it and feel its weight, may you be reminded of the glorious truth that He lives! And as you venture forth into the world, may this Empty Tomb Necklace be a radiant symbol of your faith, a beacon of hope, and a catalyst for transformation in the lives of everyone you encounter.
Watch & Share HIS story with the video: Click HERE
Many Blessings,
Kellie & Bradley