A Guide to Caring for Sterling Silver Jewelry

A Guide to Caring for Sterling Silver Jewelry

Posted by Kellie on Sep 3rd 2023

Caring for your Christian Sterling Silver Christian Jewelry

Sterling silver jewelry is renowned for its timeless beauty and elegance. It's a popular choice for rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings due to its longevity and shine. However, to maintain the shine and longevity of your sterling silver pieces, proper care and maintenance are essential. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to care for sterling silver jewelry.

We want your Bradley Kellie Pieces to last and help you share His story and tell your stories to everyone you meet!

Understanding Sterling Silver Jewelry

Before we delve into the care tips, let's briefly understand what sterling silver is. Sterling silver is an alloy made up of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% other metals, typically copper. This combination of metals gives sterling silver its durability while preserving its captivating appearance.

  1. Keep Sterling Silver Clean

One of the most important aspects of sterling silver care is regular cleaning. Over time, silver jewelry can tarnish due to exposure to air, moisture, and chemicals in the environment. Here are some cleaning methods to consider:

a. Use a Silver Polishing Cloth: A silver polishing cloth is an excellent tool for removing tarnish and restoring the shine to your jewelry. Gently rub the cloth over the silver surface to remove tarnish.

b. Soak in Warm, Soapy Water: If your jewelry is heavily tarnished, you can create a mild soapy solution using a few drops of dish soap in warm water. Soak the jewelry for a few minutes, then gently scrub with a soft-bristle toothbrush to remove tarnish. Rinse and pat dry.

c. Baking Soda Paste: Create a paste by mixing baking soda and water until you have a thick consistency. Apply this paste to your jewelry, rub it gently with a cloth or sponge, then rinse and dry thoroughly.  * use this method with caution, and make sure it is at a thin paste consistency.

2. Prevent Silver Tarnish

Prevention is key when it comes to caring for sterling silver. Here are some tips to help prevent tarnish in the first place:

a. Store Jewelry Properly: When you're not wearing your sterling silver pieces, store them in an airtight container, jewelry pouch or a jewelry box with anti-tarnish strips. This will help protect them from exposure to air and moisture.

b. Avoid Contact with Harsh Chemicals: Remove your silver jewelry before swimming in chlorinated pools, using cleaning products, or applying lotions and perfumes. Chemicals can accelerate tarnishing.  This can be overlooked, so remember to put on your jewelry last, and avoid areas where the jewelry touches the skin where the products were applied.

c. Wear It Regularly: Believe it or not, wearing your silver jewelry often can help prevent tarnish. The natural oils in your skin can create a protective barrier.

3. Professional Silver Cleaning

For deeply tarnished or intricate pieces of sterling silver jewelry, consider taking them to a professional jeweler for cleaning and polishing. They have the expertise and tools to restore your jewelry to its original luster without causing any damage.

4. Be Gentle

When cleaning or storing your sterling silver jewelry, always handle it gently. Avoid excessive rubbing or scratching, as this can lead to premature wear and tear.


Sterling silver jewelry is a precious possession that can last a lifetime with proper care. Regular cleaning, preventative measures, and gentle handling are essential to maintaining the beauty and luster of your silver pieces. By following these care tips, you can enjoy your sterling silver jewelry for years to come, passing it down as heirlooms or simply relishing its timeless appeal.