Discovering the Divine Purpose: A Christian Perspective on the Purpose of Life

Discovering the Divine Purpose: A Christian Perspective on the Purpose of Life

Posted by Kellie on Oct 3rd 2023

The Purpose of Life, to Share HIS Story to the World and Tell Yours

The Story

One night, as I was leaving my sons room, he asked "Mom, what is the purpose of life?"  I stopped, let go of the doorknob, turned around and sat with him to have a layered conversation.

What is a layered conversation? One that ask questions to get down to the root of our existence and how we get there.

In a world filled with distractions and uncertainties, the question of life's purpose is one that has intrigued and perplexed humanity for centuries. From the dawn of time, individuals from various walks of life have sought to find meaning and significance in their existence. As Christians, we turn to our faith to shed light on this profound question and discover the purpose of life through the lens of God's word.

The Divine Blueprint

From a Christian perspective, the purpose of life begins with an understanding of God's plan for His creation. The Bible, our sacred text, tells us that God created the heavens and the earth, including humanity, with a divine purpose in mind. In the book of Genesis, we read that God created man and woman in His image and gave them dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:27-28). This fundamental truth underscores the idea that our existence is not accidental but part of a grand design.

1. To Love and Serve God

At the heart of the Christian perspective on the purpose of life is the commandment to love and serve God. In the New Testament, Jesus summarized the greatest commandments, stating, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37). Our primary purpose in life is to develop a deep and meaningful relationship with our Creator, worship Him, and live in accordance with His will.

We are all created uniquely and have strengths and weaknesses.  Our talents are unique, and trying new things allows you to find what those are.

2.  To Love and Serve Others

In addition to our relationship with God, we are called to love and serve our fellow human beings. Jesus further emphasized this when He said, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39). As Christians, we are called to be compassionate, generous, and selfless in our interactions with others. Serving those in need, showing kindness, and practicing forgiveness are central to fulfilling our purpose.

Serving looks different for everyone.  Some go into ministry, some weave their faith into their businesses, some serve by showing kindness.  Serving allows others feel loved, and brings you joy!

3. To Reflect God's Image

As beings created in the image of God, we are called to reflect His attributes and character in our lives. This includes displaying qualities such as love, compassion, righteousness, and holiness. As we grow spiritually, we become more like Christ, striving to live in accordance with His teachings and example.

Post pandemic many struggle with interreacting with others.  Starting a conversation in line, or a smile could have a huge impact on the life of someone else.  Find ways to show the love of Christ and be a light in the darkness.

4. To Spread the Gospel

Another vital aspect of our purpose as Christians is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. In the Great Commission, Jesus instructed His disciples to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). 

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Sharing the message of salvation and redemption is a fundamental part of our calling as believers, as we seek to bring others into a loving relationship with God.


From a Christian perspective, the purpose of life is deeply rooted in our faith and relationship with God. It involves loving and serving God, loving and serving others, reflecting God's image, and spreading the message of salvation. As we walk in faith and obedience, we find fulfillment, meaning, and true purpose in life. While the world may offer countless distractions and alternative paths, it is in our connection with God that we discover the ultimate purpose that transcends the temporal and leads to eternal significance.

We are called to Share HIS story, and tell ours to the ends of the earth.

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