How To Share Your Testimony With Others

How To Share Your Testimony With Others

Posted by Kellie on May 18th 2023

Your Life As A Parable - The Power Of Your Testimony

Have you ever wondered why Jesus used parables in so many of His teachings? The answer is simple, parables are stories and stories are relatable.

Stories are also captivating and memorable, the perfect combination for transformation in Christ. This is the reason we at Bradley Kellie believe so much in the power of people's stories and testimonies. Our mission is based upon the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, and we believe that every Christian should go out and tell stories of our God.

The story of the gospel can be told in two ways, one is directly from Scripture and the other is from our own experiences. Telling stories from Scripture was, is, and will always be a part of sharing the gospel, but there's something incredibly special about sharing our own stories and testimonies as well.  Storytelling is powerful.

See, as human beings, we all have journeys that are filled with ups and downs, victories and struggles, hope and hopelessness. We all go through stuff and we all need help sometimes. Someone may be at their breaking point in an area you experienced a breakthrough and hearing your story can help them through it. Your life story can actually give them the hope and faith they need to believe that God would come through for them too. All it takes is one moment of vulnerability in sharing your story for a person's heart to completely open up to the gospel of Christ.

Speaking of opening hearts up to the gospel, your testimony is another way to do so.

Unlike your life story, which includes the details of your hardships and God's intervention to bring you out of it, your testimony is the story of how you came to Christ. Your testimony tells the story of your gospel encounter and what led you into a relationship with Jesus.

Whether you were born a Christian or came to Christ later on in your life, you will have a testimony worth sharing. Nobody's testimony is boring or unrelatable. Even if you think yours is, I can guarantee you it's not. No story or testimony that includes the name of Jesus could ever be small or insignificant. Your testimony can and will change lives if you let it, so let it. Let your story and your testimony make an impact in this world. Don't be afraid to share it, no matter how vulnerable you may feel.

Romans 12:6-8 says that we all have unique gifts that we can use to serve others. This means that your story and testimony will have their own unique style, and that's ok, that's what God wants. Different people relate to different stories in different ways, and that’s the beauty of it all. So go forth and share your heart, knowing that you're not alone and that God is with you, every step of the way.

Also, remember that your life story has the power to inspire and encourage others and your testimony is a precious gift that's meant to be shared with the world. So open your heart, share your story, and let God use your words to touch the lives of others.

Storytelling Christian Jewelry

The Bradley Kellie Mission

We hope to empower you to Be Brave, to Be Bold, to Share your story & Tell HIS through our Storytelling Christian Jewelry.

Every piece of Christian jewelry we create tells a story, they all reflect the gospel of Christ that is available to us all. Check out our store to see if you can mix and match our pendants to share the gospel through a 11-second encounter, alternatively pick one of our pre-matched ones above. May all of your efforts to fulfill the great commission be fruitful and multiply. May the gospel spread like wildfire through the intentionality of God’s children.

The Great Commission

"But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Testimony Guide (Steps 1-5)

Life Story Outline (5 Easy Steps)