Sharing your Testimony with Sara

Sharing your Testimony with Sara

Posted by Kellie with Sara on Sep 10th 2023

Sharing your testimony 

Sharing your testimony is a reminder to yourself of how far you have come. It is also a gift to others. We are created to tell our life stories, and to Share His story to the world.

This is the Story of Sara

For a long time, I didn't think my testimony was very powerful. Then, one day, I realized that I had been given the gift of a generational blessing.

As far back as I can trace in our family history, every family member has been a believer. Although I don't know the depth of their personal relationship with God, I do know that some prayed for me before I was born and throughout my childhood. I can't recall a time when I didn't believe in God and in the sacrifice of Christ for us, along with the promise of His return.

I often think that my family prayed for a hedge of protection around me.

As a young adult, I grew in my faith and came to understand the difference between religion and having a personal relationship with God. I began attending mid-week Bible studies, found a church community, and became more involved. I transitioned from merely going through the motions of my faith to actively seeking Him and forming connections with a group of women for fellowship.

These friends are very dear to me. They are my sisters in Christ, and our bond is unlike any other. My Christian friends offer a perspective that provides reminders of hope, encouragement, and accountability.

Now that I am an adult and have deepened my faith, I have a greater understanding of God's grace. He is a God of correction, guidance, forgiveness, and unconditional love (agape love).

I understand that we are called to share our faith with others, step out of our comfort zones, and love and serve others, all while being mindful of His imminent return.

We are called to Share His Story. This is the mission behind Bradley Kellie Christian Storytelling Jewelry. Many struggle with sharing their faith, and we provide a tool for you to feel more at ease when sharing His story to the world!