The Fear of the Lord: What It Truly Means to Revere God

The Fear of the Lord: What It Truly Means to Revere God

Posted by Kellie on Oct 13th 2024

Proverbs 9:10 tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” But what does it mean to fear the Lord? And how does it lead to wisdom?

When we hear the word fear, we often think of being afraid, but the fear of the Lord is something much deeper and more beautiful. It’s not about living in terror; it’s about having a profound respect and awe for who God is—His holiness, power, and majesty. This reverence leads us to a fuller relationship with Him and opens the door to true wisdom.

Remember This: 

Think of it like the love and respect a child has for a healthy, earthly father. In a loving father-child relationship, you love your father deeply and respect him, not because you’re afraid of him, but because you know he wants the best for you. Before you were even born, he prayed for you and dreamed of your future. He guides you with love, offers correction when needed, and allows you to face challenges so that you grow stronger and wiser. You follow his ways, not out of fear of punishment, but because you trust him and want to fulfill the purpose he sees in you.

In the same way, our Heavenly Father desires for us to walk in His ways. He guides us through His Word and corrects us when we stray, allowing us to face difficulties so that we grow stronger in our faith. When we embrace the fear of the Lord, we recognize that His love is behind everything He does—His correction, His guidance, and even the struggles He allows us to face. It’s all part of shaping us into the people He has called us to be.

This reverence is the foundation of wisdom. When we understand who God is and how much He loves us, we begin to make decisions based on His truth. We choose to follow His ways, knowing that He wants the best for us and has a plan for our lives.

The fear of the Lord is not about cowering in fear; it’s about living in awe of a God who loves us enough to correct us, guide us, and prepare us for the mission He has for us on this earth. Just as a father allows his child to stumble so they can grow, our Heavenly Father allows challenges to strengthen us for His greater purpose.

Let’s walk in reverence, knowing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the key to a life filled with His love and direction.

Live in awe of His love and His guidance.