​Anchor Your Hope In Christ

​Anchor Your Hope In Christ

Posted by Kellie on Dec 24th 2021

Anchor Your Hope In Christ

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people -Ephesians 1:18 (NIV)

In a world filled with chaos and suffering, it's not easy to have hope. In fact, the harder things get, the more we lose hope, and that's not the kind of life God wants His children to live. God wants us to trust Him and to know that He will work all things for our good (Romans 8:28).

Jesus Himself confirmed in John 16:33 that in the world we will have trouble, but we can take heart because He has overcome the world. He didn't say we might have trouble, He said we will, so trouble is inevitable. But He also didn't say He will overcome the world, He said He has, so our victory is inevitable too.

Therefore, when things get hard in your life, anchor your hope in the victorious One who never loses, lies, or leaves.

3 Reasons To Anchor Your Hope In Christ

He has never lost a battle

Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross as a sacrifice for our sins, He was then risen and crowned on the third day. We know this now, but for those who followed and loved Him then, His death may have seemed like the biggest loss ever.

It must have been hard for anyone to be hopeful at that time, I mean they just watched the Son of God die at the hands of people. They didn't know He was going to rise up and leave the tomb empty on the third day, they didn't know He could defeat death, but He did.

He defeated death, He conquered the grave, and He left an empty tomb as a promise of what's to come. So when you feel like you're losing in life, cling to the One who has never lost, He is truly all you would ever need in your life.

Hope Anchored in Christ Christian Necklace

He is trustworthy

One of the biggest reasons many of us find ourselves losing hope is betrayal. Nowadays, it's hard to trust anyone, at times that includes our friends, and family.

People make promises they can't keep, some never really mean what they say, and some even lie to us daily. Trusting people feels unsafe, so we lose hope in people, we don't expect too much, and we keep our distance.

It's different with Christ though. He never lies, His Word is true, and you can expect every single one of His promises to come to pass. The closer you get to Him, the more you'll trust Him because He feels that safe. You can anchor your hope in Him because He will never fail you.

Hope Christian Necklace

He will never leave you

Even in the darkest days of your life, you'll find Christ right beside you shining the brightest light. His Word says that He will never leave nor forsake you, and His Word is true. He will always be there, and you can always count on Him to help you.

Your anchored hope in Him will never go in vain, because He will never let you down.

People need to hear the message of hope now more than ever. So if you know that this is true, and your hope in Christ has given you the strength to come this far, why not help spread the message.

Sharing content is one way to spread the message of hope, wearing Christian jewelry is another. Feel free to share what you've learned in this post and/or shop our hope in Christ collection below:

Hope Anchored Pendant

Empty Tomb Pendant

Third Day Crowned Pendant

I hope that you remain blessed and hopeful, in all your days to come, knowing that your anchored hope in Christ is the best decision you could have ever made. He loves you, He is with you, and He will help you. You only need to believe that He will.

Bradley Kellie creates Christian Jewelry to help you share your story, and tell HIS.

It's time to live and wear your Faith- Click Here to see the Bradley Kellie Collection!