

Nichole's Journey: Healing Trauma and Illness through Christ

Nichole's Journey: Healing Trauma and Illness through Christ

Posted by Kellie on Apr 16th 2024

Nichole shares her relationship with Christ and how it helped her heal from trauma and illness.In her early twenties, Nichole battled PTSD, Clinical Depression, and Dissociative Identity Disorder, try … read more
Sharing your Testimony- Story with K.B.

Sharing your Testimony- Story with K.B.

Posted by Kellie with K.B. on Sep 11th 2023

Sharing your TestimonySharing your testimony is a reminder to yourself of how far you have come. It is also a gift to others. We are created to tell our life stories, and to Share His story to the wor … read more
Sharing your Testimony with Sara

Sharing your Testimony with Sara

Posted by Kellie with Sara on Sep 10th 2023

Sharing your testimony Sharing your testimony is a reminder to yourself of how far you have come. It is also a gift to others. We are created to tell our life stories, and to Share His story to t … read more
Sharing your Testimony with Anne

Sharing your Testimony with Anne

Posted by Kellie and Anne H. on Sep 10th 2023

Sharing your Testimony.Sharing your testimony is a reminder to yourself of how far you have come.  It is also a gift to others.  We are created to tell our life stories, and to Share His sto … read more